White Lung Syndrome: A Coverup For Vax Injury? Should parents be concerned about the hot-button mystery pneumonia, AKA “white lung syndrome,” affecting children in China? Is this a novel outbreak, or just another mechanism used by mainstream media to hide vaccine injuries? Pediatrician
@PaulThomasMD weighs in about this phenomenon on #CHDTV. “There’s no reason to worry. We’ve seen this before.” “When you give a pharmaceutical or you vaccinate, there are often side effects. And then those side effects are never attributed to the vaccine or the pharmaceutical, they’re called a ‘syndrome.’” Take Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) for example. Rather than looking into the connection between SIDS and childhood innoculations, concerns raised by parents and doctors are instead mocked, silenced and ignored. Maybe this is why no one is asking the million-dollar question: Were these kids recently administered a product from Big Pharma? Perhaps the answer is too much to bear.