Cancer cells require as much as 400 times the amount of glucose than regular cells do. This is called the Warburg Effect. Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg discovered this.
Limiting carbs, limits energy to cancer cells. Plain & simple. And we’ve known this since the 1920s.. Chemotherapy has a success rate of 3%. A sugar pill (placebo) has a success rate of 3%
Fasting & juicing protocols have a success rate of 99%.
The 3% who have “success” with chemo, most of them get cancer again Chemo is literally the worst thing a cancer patient can do!
The standard medical treatment for cancer is worse than cancer! The treatment will do much more damage on your body & will not heal you!
Cancer is not the disease. It is a symptom of a disease!
Do prolonged fasting, no refined sugar, no seed oils, organic food, plant based diet detoxes the body quicker, sunshine, exercise, supplements, TCM, cannabis oil, meditation, yoga, acupuncture!
The goal is too remove (not add with big pHARMa) as much toxicity as possible, not only from the body but the mind too!