Pfizer’s trial showed more death in vaccination group than placebo group

Dr David Cartland: Pfizers trial showed more death in vaccination group than placebo group.20 people died in the vaccine group and 14 in placebo group

Key findings from Pfizers trial below.

Level 1 eveidence from random controlled study -gold standard. The Government cannot push back on this.…

Pfizer study published in the New England Journal of medicine in December 2020

43000 people divided into a control and treatment group

Absolute risk reduction was 0.84%

Relative risk reduction shows 95% efficacy

Unvaccinated = 0.84 % of 20000 people caught covid

Vaccinated = 0.04% of 20000 people caught covid.

Difference between the two = 95%

Means c19 vaccines offer less than 1% benefit.

FDA recommends using absolute risk reduction not relative risk reduction

Doctors and patients were unblinded during testing.

Study meant to go on until may 2nd 2022

Pfizer unblinded the study after only 2 months which means there is no longer a control group to compare safety and efficacy.

Showed 2 months worth of safety and efficacy data only.

Doctors testing for covid 19 were unblinded so didn’t test all participants if they had the vaccine as the assumption was they’d had the vaccine so cant test positive.

After 6 months Pfizer data showed increse in injury

Adverse reaction in the vaccinated group 300% increase 5241 vs 1311

Severe adverse reaction 75% increase 262 vs 150

Serious adverse reaction 10% 127 vs 116 20 people died in the vaccine group and 14 in placebo group. Further follow up of data showed 1200 people died in Pfizer trial in first 2 months.

4 people died on the same day as the injection.

Above shows level 1 evidence that the Pfizer vaccine increases illness and death not reduces it.

Age distribution for people mainly affected by covid is over 75

Demographics within Pfizer trial only 4% of people over 75

Many people with co morbidity where removed from trial.

Most people that die have mutiple co morbidity.

Pregnant women were not involved in the study.

Study on pregnancy was based on a French study of 44 rats.

No human results Tested on the healthy then given to the most at risk.

Study didn’t include people with previous c19 infection

No comparison between natural immunity and vaccine as they knew they would fail.

Recovered resolved adverse effects were recatogorised from miss carriage.

Pfizer didn’t focus on all cause mortality.

Illness and death should of been the clinical endpoints.


Dr. Cartland is correct. Here are three images that break down Pfizers lone short term Phase Clinical Trial for the Covid “vaccine.” After 3 months you were ~30% more likely to die (All Cause Mortality) if you injected Pfizer Gene Serum whatever than the Placebo (whatever the hell that was). Stop Immediately.

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