Oxygen Kills Cancer

Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931 for his research on cellular respiration. He discovered the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme, which is the key to the oxygen transferring process in cells – He claims that Cancer can be cured through increasing oxygen within the…

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Prof. Murakami discusses cancer promoting DNA sequence found in Pfizer jabs

Prof. Hidetoshi Murakami of the Tokyo University of Science (TUS) apparently has access to the gene sequences present in the Pfizer jabs.https://www.tus.ac.jp/ridai/doc/ji/RIJIA01Detail.php?act=pos&kin=ken&diu=6b0b&pri=en According to Murakami, a cancer promoting gene sequence also present in Simian Virus 40 (SV40), has been found in the Pfizer jabs. The sequence apparently leads to decreased expression of the cancer suppressing…

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Texas MD Anderson Warns That COVID-19 Vaccines Elevate PD-L1 Levels, Disrupting Lung Cancer Treatments

Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Warns That COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Elevate PD-L1 Levels, Disrupting Lung Cancer Treatments, Progressing Other Cancers! https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/texas-md-anderson-cancer-center-warns-that-covid-19-mrna-vaccines-elevate-pd-l1-levels-disrupting-lung-cancer-treatments-progressing-other-cancers

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