Dr. William Makis on vaccines causing cancer

“I will never get attacked for talking about myocarditis, I will never get attacked for talking about blood clots, [but] I will get death threats for talking about the vaccines causing cancer.” Radiologist, oncologist, and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis (

@MakisMD) describes for the

@TheKarisProject the enormous pushback he receives for talking about the C19 bioweapon injections causing turbo cancers. “This is something that they [the medical establishment] desperately don’t want to acknowledge even the existence of,” Makis says. He adds, “Every time I will post [about this topic], I will get a bot army attacking me, attacking my reputation, attacking me personally.” Makis adds that when he posts about the injections causing turbo cancers, he gets up to hundreds of replies of people saying these cancers are happening in their own bodies or the bodies of friends or family members.

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