Dr Russell L. Blaylock MD CCN Visiting Professor, Department of Biology, Bethhaven College, and Dr Stanley Monteith. Video filmed at the 2008 Radio Liberty Seminar in Soquel California.
“Vaccinations And Brain Development” – Dr. Russell Blaylock
CDC officials claim vaccines are safe and effective. Is that true? If vaccines are safe, why did the incidence of autism increase from one case of autism in 10,000 American children to one case of autism in 150 American children after the massive childhood vaccination program began? If childhood vaccines are safe, why are 560,000 vaccinated children afflicted with autism while nonvaccinated Amish and Mennonite children rarely have the disease? Why has the incidence of asthma, allergies, autoimmune disease, Type I diabetes, and neurologic conditions dramatically increased in vaccinated children?
Why do obstetricians give pregnant women influenza vaccines that contain a toxic dose of mercury? Why do newborn children receive Hepatitis B vaccine in the nursery when there is no medical justification for the immunization?
Dr. Blaylock’s discussion addresses those, and many other, issues. If you are concerned about your health, and the health of your family, you must watch this DVD.