Amazing results reversing cancer with a specific type of mushroom

CANCER Update: I got a DM recently from someone who's had AMAZING results reversing cancer w/a specific type of mushroom. 

Genetic testing showed he has the most Aggressive form of Prostate Cancer possible. Doctors told him there wasn't much they could do, & he should prepare to die.

He saw my Twitter post & decided to try 20 capsules per day of the mushroom. 

After 12 weeks, w/ZERO conventional treatment, his PSA (cancer marker) went down OVER 60%. From 25 down to just 9. Well on his way to normal (4 ng/mL). 

This was NOT supposed to happen! If you asked a doctor, they'd say it's impossible. 
There's a type of mushroom so POWERFUL that at the right dose - it can REVERSE stage 4 Cancer.

There are 3 human case reports published in peer-reviewed medical journals of CANCER REVERSAL w/this mushroom. 

Did your Dr. "forget" to tell you?!

The mushroom is known by many names: Mesima, Black Hoof mushroom, or Phellinus Linteus. 

P. Linteus has been shown to powerfully enhance Natural Killer cell activity (they seek out & kill cancer). 

It works for Cancer likely via by boosting the immune system, so that the body can "take care of" the cancer on its own. 

• CASE REPORT 1: a 79-year-old man had advanced LIVER CANCER w/multiple Lung Tumors that "spontaneously regressed" after taking Phellinus Linteus (Mesima) mushroom. He was on NO other treatment. After 6 months, the "tumors appeared to be in complete regression" & remained in regression. 

Advanced Liver Cancer is "incurable." 🤯

• CASE REPORT 2: A 68-yr-old man w/aggressive PROSTATE CANCER &  multiple tumors in his bone & bladder began taking Phellinus Linteus mushroom (Mesima) after his doctors had exhausted all other options. "Suddenly" he experienced "DRAMATIC REMISSION" of his cancer. Afterward he remained healthy, w/normal PSA readings. 

Advanced Prostate Cancer is "incurable." 😯

• CASE REPORT 3: A 65-yr-old man, who had drank at least 7 drinks of alcohol per day alcohol for 30 years, had tumors on his liver & a Huge BRAIN TUMOR. The man "refused all recommended treatment & was discharged." He wasn't expected to survive. He began taking Phellinus Linteus mushroom (Mesima). After 10 months he felt very well & a scan revealed ALL of his tumors had shrunk Dramatically. 

Without treatment, his type of cancer is usually "fatal within a few months." ❗️

Some sources report that about 35 years ago, Phellinus Linteus mushroom was studied in Japan & it was reported that "it had the HIGHEST ANTI-TUMOR EFFECT AMONG ALL MUSHROOMS." 

The mushroom has also Dramatically reduced Many types of tumors in vivo in animal studies. 

In vitro & animal studies have shown P. Linteus has strong activity against: 

breast, colon, liver, lung, oral, prostate, & skin cancers. It's also been shown to help human pancreatic cancer patients. 🤯

Amazingly, Phellinus Linteus mushroom has additionally been shown to have POWERFUL antioxidant & anti-inflammatory benefits, with impressive effects on diseases such as:  

• Diabetes
• Rheumatoid Arthritis 
• Allergies
• Even H1N1 influenza virus! 🤯

Incredible Safety Profile: animal studies suggest the mushroom is likely to be extremely safe, even at massive doses. Human studies have also shown it to be very safe & usually without side effects. 😯

In short, Mesima (Phellinus Linteus) has AMAZING potential for Cancer, & much more! 

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